mandag 20. juli 2015

Gravel is love.

 I am not saying I invented something new in the world of Minecraft, but it is a personal discovery. Gravel is gold when wanting to stop and kill lava. I started out trying to stop the lava with cobblestone, and it works to some degree, except when it does not. You can not be sure you got all the lava killed, and you might find more underneath the placed cobblestone if you dig it up.

Gravel however, sinks down to the bottom of the pool, and if you keep dropping gravel down you will eventually make a very safe wall and know that there is no lingering lava at the bottom of it.

Killing a whole source of lava is time consuming, deadly, but worth it. This pool will find its end by my hands! My garden depends on it!

I used to loath gravel. Yes, it gives flint, ( I never used it my self, ever.) and sometimes it can be used for decorating needs, but other than that it just takes up space in inventory. Not to mention falling on top of ones head while trying to mine.

I am sure that we could use sand for the same purpose of killing lava, but sand has many other uses, and can be turned into glass and beautiful stone.

This newfound love for gravel have me hunting for it, and when you want it it is rather hard to find. My octopies loves the fact that im making their pool deeper, excevating all the sand and gravel I can find.

And with this I hope I wont have to die in lava, and keep my items! I lost too many things already.
Prosper mining to you all!


lørdag 18. juli 2015

Server's' up.

 We have a family server running, and I thought Id have a go at making a project going on there. As you can see I am all armoured up, wielding a fancy stone sword at this point. It is a dangerous world out there, and I love it.
 The first little base was a cut out in the nearest soft soil I could find, overlooking a beautiful lake. My son built the walkway over to his nether-portal, for easy access. I think he walled it in cobblestone to keep it safe from creepers blowing it up. Smart kid. And when he came back after his ventures he brought me glow-stones!

 This is now the cluttered first base, and it is cluttered indeed. I decided I wanted grass all the way down to the very bottom of this world. I dug down til I hit bedrock, and opened up an area where I will build my underground house. No such house is complete with out a freshly cut lawn, so I had to cut , carve and set dirt all the way down in a spiraling fashion, hoping it would grow. And grow it did!

 The base outside of my home in construction. Everlasting water source going with the basic need for storage, smelter and crafting table. Behind there is a bed as well.
 My walls with big windows are being made, and also a quite handsome fireplace, or should I say "lava-place". I am placing glow-stones under the window blocks, hoping it will keep the place well lit up.
 And finally, my garden to be. I think it will be nice to have a deadly lava-fall in it, don't you ?

I hope I get to do more games, life are busy, but I have hopes. Until next time, happy fortune and prosper mining to all.

tirsdag 5. mai 2015

All watered

I thought it would look nice with some water around my little site, but I am not finished yet. I need plants to go around it, and into the water to make it look better, and I keep digging and putting dirt back as the shape of the lake is unfinished.

Organic shapes are not as simple as you might think, but I am confident I will make something that will please me.

I made an everlasting water source by digging out four blocks and added water. This will never run empty now, but I also found out if you take water from any still water patch it will heal it self and it 
made for less running back and forth.

Good fortune and prosper mining to you all.

fredag 24. april 2015

Small changes.

By using stairs on the corner ends of my roofs the expression of the whole building changed.
For the better I think.

Not a big update, but I wanted to share right away. Good fortune and prosper mining in Minecraft to you all.

onsdag 22. april 2015

An interior plot.

I wasn't too sure about how to do the interior design. This is the stage of building that I am the least experienced at, in this game, and not aware of how to use certain items to make what I want. I am quite happy with how things turned out, and how it helps me store things effectively and near by where I work.

 Downstairs have the kitchen, dining area, and master bedroom.

The guest bedroom, or children's bedroom or what ever extra beds one could want or need in your house.
 I keep my storage at the oposite side of the guest beds on this floor. I think I can fit a few more of these rows with out blocking the windows, but found no need to install them yet.

Up at the loft. Lots more space to fit many crates. Storage space wont be a problem just yet, and after this I suppose I need to mine and store as many different blocks that I can find. I want to make a Dojo near by, after making a little pond outside of the house with a belonging river. The landscaping is what I will do next after some heavy mining.

I wish my self good luck, and prosper mining, as well to all of you. Hope you have a good day!

torsdag 16. april 2015

The Plot.

I like most kinds of games, and Minecraft is definitely one of them. I decided to make a new world, that I named 'The Plot'. I like the idea of mining what I need to build, but when I am in a building mood I don't want to fight of enemies so I made it a peaceful world, and it thrives.

I chopped down a few trees realizing I wanted to capture this naked plot as it was, very nice little scenery here, and it is where I spawned.

The next thing I did was to make a hole in the ground, making a mine-shaft, knowing I would spend my first good hours down under ground. My hole in the ground isn't very pretty, but it has no need to be, yet. It has boxes to hold my stuff and I try to be neat about where things go. (We all end up with that chest that has a mix of everything in it, don't we?)

I also have an half automatic smelter, two in fact, or four if we being completely correct, and it does its job well. I am not an engineer, I think it was my son who told me about this little 'machine'. He is much better at Minecraft than I am.

I grew tired of this little invisible hole in the ground, a pain to find after chopping trees, and I decided to make something that would 'home me in' to my mine.

 A giant tree, or at least a big tree. First one I have attempted to build my self, and I am not saying it is perfect, but I like it. I wanted to have some sort of lights hanging in it, and fashioned these lantern like things and put torches and red-stone torches in them. The latter don't light up as much as I would like them too, but they add a bit of something to it.

I found it to give me some certain feeling, and soon after it was built I figured I could do with a house to sleep in. After finding a few sheep and got the wool I needed to make a bed, it was time to get to work.

And there it is, and I am quite happy with how it turned out. Sort of japan'ish style to it, don't you think? I think it goes well with the tree, and it is not far from the hole in the ground either.

After building the house, I thought that I needed to make something around the hole in the ground, so I would not just fall into it by accident. Dangerous things these holes in the ground. I wanted to keep the same feel as the house and the tree, and came up with this simple, but effective mine-shaft cover.
The light is held up with real magic! That's how I like my games.

All in all, the plot ... thickens?
It makes for a nice work environment, giving me the extra little energy to go down mining. So far I have found more diamonds than iron, and I should not complain, but iron is nice too you know. This luck will soon change, but it does not matter much. I can always come up to the surface and enjoy my little plot on minecraft earth.

Happy gaming and prosper mining, from me to you.
(My son knew how to get the + out of "my" face. Thank you!)